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Preparing Your Little One for their First Day of School
Jamah Maman, Director of Early Education and Engagement at Temple Sinai


The first day of school is just around the corner: you’ve picked out the backpack, labeled every item your little one owns, done all your school shopping, and you’ve got just one last thing to figure out: how do you prepare your child for their first day at school? This is a big milestone for parents and children and we wanted to share some of the  tips we give our parents to make this transition a little easier for everyone:

1. If this is your child’s first experience going to school or being in a group, introduce them to the idea of school through books. We love “The Pigeon HAS To Go To School” from Mo Willems -- but there are plenty of options!

2. If your school has an open house or back to school event, be sure to go! This is a great opportunity to meet classmates, teachers, and for your child to get familiar with the school building and classroom. If you’re able to reach out to other parents, try scheduling a playdate before school starts so your child can get to know their new classmates.

3. Practice, practice, practice! Is your little one used to getting ready in the morning? Give your morning routine a practice run so they know what to expect on their first day.

4. If your child is younger (think a toddler or a young two year old): decide on how you’ll say goodbye each day they go to school. Lots of kisses? Extra squeezy hugs? Children do well with repetition and consistency so knowing they get the same goodbye every time helps! Let your little one know that you’ll always come back. If your child is older and headed into the 3s, Pre-K, or even Kindergarten -- ask them to help come up with a secret handshake and let them take ownership in the goodbye!

5. Go, go, go! Once you’ve said your goodbye, confidently make your way out of the classroom. Your child’s teachers have got this -- we promise! Children are insightful and will trust their new caregivers if they see that you do too. We know that separation is hard for both children and their grown-ups and it’s normal to expect some tears (for everyone!). Know that your child’s teachers are well-equipped to help your child calm down and acclimate to their new classroom and they’ll be sure to reach out if your child needs you to come back. 

Sometimes, the second, third, or fourth days are harder for separation: your little one has learned that you’ll be leaving them for a while. This is normal and expected, but if you feel like you need a little extra support, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher for advice on how to make drop-off easier.

You and your young learner are on the start of a great adventure -- the preschool years are full of magic and set the stage for your child’s educational journey. This is the time to explore the world through play, forge new friendships, learn how to work with peers, and start a love of learning!

Jamah Maman is the Director of Early Education & Engagement at Temple Sinai and ECE-RJ board member. She oversees Temple Sinai Preschool, which serves students 8 weeks - 5 years. Jamah has been in early education for over 15 years as a teacher, director, mother, and lifelong learner.

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